Deals for AXL Distressed Crackle Black Electric Guitar

If you are trying decide to buy AXL Distressed Crackle Black Electric Guitar worthy and huge saving. Dont spend your more time ! We really provide the best and lowest price on AXL Distressed Crackle for you through our researched from numerous online retailers price. Check today special offer and get huge discount on AXL Distressed Crackle to avoid your disappointment.
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The AXL best price and speacial offer appeared in this page are the most today speacial offer and best price. AXL lowest price guaranteed from our researched from alot of online retailers in USA. We made this page for help anyone who trying find where to buy AXL worthy and great deal. For more information please see it below.

Here are some of the great features of AXL Distressed Crackle Black Electric Guitar

AXL Distressed Crackle,

With a distressed body and antiqued hardware, Badwater Series guitars look and feel of ancient artifacts. These shocking guitars are equipped with EMG pickups for hard rocking tones and clean delivery. Even the headstock and backplate have vintage distressing. No area was spared from the destruction. Badwater guitars have a one-of-a-kind style and excellent playability.

The Badwater (AL-820) is built with a set rock maple neck, 2 EMG-designed Alnico humbuckers and a classic-style single cutaway design. The guitar's rosewood fretboard helps deliver a warm, thick tone. The scale length is a traditional 24 3/4" for vintage punch. The 1216 will be available in all five popular Badwater finishes, crackle blue, crackle black, crackle brown, antique white and antique brown. Each 1216 guitar body has been distressed individually by the AXL workshop, so no two are alike. The 1216 comes with carefully distressed pickguard, tone and volume knobs and anodized tuning machines.

NOTE: Each guitar is hand selected at the AXL factory. Once at the Cleavland, Ohio AXL warehouse, each guitar is once again inspected and set up by our professional in house guitar techs just prior to shipping. Your guitar will be ready to play, right out of the box. In addition, we have a 1-800 number that you can call for any additional questions or help regarding your guitar. Your questions will be answered by a guitar expert, not just a phone operator.

Guitar Features:

* Solid Alder Body w/ Original Design * Antiqued/Anodized Hardware * Distressed Pickguard * Scale length: 24 3/4" * 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed * Shipped Insured! * Brand New!

  • Maple Neck
  • Antiqued Hardware
  • Distressed Body & Headstock
  • EMG-Designed Pickups
  • Rosewood fretboard
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